Company's Charter of Ethics


We believe that:

  1. Our services will enrich and elevate people's lives and strengthen mutual relations with them who are our benefactors as well.
  2. The key to the company's success is the satisfaction of our clients and we are seriously committed to this principle while providing our services.
  3. Our motto is that 'Customers Are Always Right' and we acknowledge our customers as our masters. Before they refer to us, we go to them.
  4. Staffs are considered to be the most valuable resources of the company. Thus, we have no doubts about the effect of their thoughts, behaviors and deeds on clients.
  5. We try to conform ourselves and also our company to customer demands, to accept their criticisms and to consult with them.
  6. Surely, financial success of the company is being considered; however, we see it as a means to achieve a broader goal which is providing a suitable service.
  7. We have to have a permanent approach to the desired situation and we must be committed to the belief that 'Today's work should be done better than yesterday. We have to predict future well and use the past and present as a foundation for building it. Future belongs to those who share in making it.'
  8. We consider evaluation as a growth factor for our services. We gladly welcome and nurture it in ourselves.
  9. By preserving our identity, we never forget the following values which are our guiding sources for providing a God-pleasing service to clients:
    • We are committed to ethical principles and spiritual purity in all situations.
    • We regard order, patience, neatness, punctuality and readiness for giving services to clients as our obvious and definite principles of achieving success.
    • We consider the culture of being responsible to clients as the main ground for improving both ourselves and the company.
    • We regard observing politeness, courtesy, justice, equity and patience as the secrets of our company's existence.
    • We base our activities and services upon work ethics and administrative discipline.
    • In order to respect individuals' thoughts, we believe in group work.

"These beliefs and ethical values determine the kind of relationship we create with our clients."


Director General and President of the Board of Directors

Guilan Regional Water Co.




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Contact Us

  • Address : Rasht, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, Gilan Regional Water Company
  • P.O Box : 4188866789
  • Tel : +98-1332669021-9
  • Fax : +98-1332667083
  • Email : info[at]
  • SMS : 1000602331
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